01 and 02 as well as 08 and 09, the Fed was still in the business of "taking away the punch bowl just as the party got going". Now, they start handing out crack as soon as the first party goer says they have had enough punch. My theory is the system has gotten away from them and they know they can no longer engineer a "soft landing" based on the experience in 2009 pricking the real estate bubble. They like to have messed up then. Every govt on earth is up to their eyeballs in debt. If there is a global downturn like in times past, its gonna get really systemic, really quick. It won't be companies going under, it will be governments.

Anyway, that's my theory based on what "they" have been doing the last 10 years. Eventually somethings gonna break. But you will see negative interest rates and outright asset purchases by the feds/govts before then.

Last edited by RJY66; 02/25/20.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn