One of my sidebars is water resource management here in Florida and I've been in it up to my ears for many years. By extension I've learned a number of unsettling things about the issue, not just in Floriduh, but nationwide. Seems to me that rational thought would preclude the looming disaster that awaits. We are, collectively, committing suicide.

For example, a few years ago under the guidance of Governor Scott (now Senator) and at the behest of EPA, the state reviewed pollution concentration standards and by stroke of genius increased the allowable concentrations on quite a number of pollutants. The action included approximately a dozen carcinogens. They declined to establish a standard for dioxin. In case that doesn't ring a bell it's the active agent in, uh, Agent Orange....can't be interfering with the paper mills don't ya know!

EPA signed off on it without meaningful comment.

Phuoc Monsanto, Dow, and Washington DC is my kindest thought. With armed torpedoes up theirs.

We seem incapable of setting short term profit aside in favor of long term gain.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain