Originally Posted by jfruser
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by jfruser
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
He may be holding off for something Barr has in the works. I doubt that Graham would call in anyone about to be deposed by the DOJ.

Don't take this the wrong way, but Graham will perpetually "be holding on for something." Same with Trey Gowdy, when he was a congresscriter. Those guys and their antics are boob bait for bubba. They exist to act like someone in the GOP cares about the GOP base of normal, decent Americans.

The GOP and its leadership despise decent, normal Americans. They just need to throw those they despise a bone every once in a while, while making noise like they are working for our interests.

Think about it: the GOP had (maybe still has) a pro-life plank in their platform. Been there since Reagan felt he needed the pro-life Christians on his side. Since then, no real movement. Heck, George Bush had a GOP senate & house, yet no pro-life laws were passed. Oh, talk-talk to the March for Life. But no action.

Then look at Trump's first two years. His biggest issue was immigration. Yip-yap, yip-yap about all the bad people crossing the border. What did he and the GOP pass when the GOP had control of both elected branches of gov't? Tax cuts for the super wealthy.

The GOP doesn't care about you. The GOP will never care about you. The GOP is the right hand slice of bread making up the kosher sandwich and they know who butters the bread. (Hint: It ain't you.)

You raised some good points there.

Any way we cut it or slice it, DJT drug all of their asses up to the table and caused quite a few to “retire “.

Trump is a goofball blowhard and a Democrat from the 1980s in his political philosophy, such that it is. Think Tip O'Neil with a hot wife.

And I bet nobody is more surprised than he that he got elected. But Trump never "got the memo," has had no need of the hand-rubbers' cash, and assumed political party rhetoric was on the up & up and not just theater. As such has been a disruptive force. He has exposed several institutions and discredited them. He's like a combat load of red pill grenades, tossing them about willy-nilly as his whim or ego directs.

It has been entertaining and may end up being useful in the long run if he gets enough normal folk to see the reality so they can de-couple their hearts from a system designed to destroy and milk them until they and theirs die out.

If not Trump, who was your pick of the litter back in 2016 ? Who was the REAL ‘ go to guy or gal’ ?

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.