I don't know slum, don't know if the kid has autism or not, but when the spectrum is brought up...you are talking about autism. When the grandparent mentioned medical conditon, its probably safe to say is autism or tourettes, you'd think the school would have been told about it when the child was enrolled and responded accordingly instead of the silly AP wanting to press charges on a 6yo.

Probably better off at school assuming it is a decent school system. Also, probably the only break the parents get. I imagine dealing with a autistic child 24/7 can be really taxing...and I'm sure its on their mind while at work. I have no idea of their situation.

In my profession, I've seen it all, the worst of the worst in sped/autism cases. I've seen kids that literally sat in a chair and drooled all day. I've seen padded rooms, I've seen sped teachers have to bearhug kids and rock them back and forth "sshh" in their ears just to get them to calm down. I've seen them spit on teachers, throw objects, certainly verbal abuse. Different forms of discipline may work for a short time. Certainly spanking or a good beating should be a nono for a child with autism. These children minds are simply wired wrong and it sad to see. I am so thankful that I have two healthy sons.