No chores today, we're going shopping for a new travel trailer. We'll swing by the our younger daughters place in Davis county and pick up my son-in-law and grandson who'll join us for the day, then we'll head down to Salt Lake City to look at an Arctic Fox and whatever else strikes our fancy. At some point I'll get tired and grumpy from dealing with RV salesmen (the lowest form of life) and we'll head to dinner with the kids before returning home.

Tomorrow is supposed to be rain/snow, so chores are out then too. We'll likely have my older daughter and her kids over for dinner tomorrow and play a few games. Other than that I'll be playing with the Arrowhead Gen2 LRMP Breech Plug System I picked up for a Paramount muzzleloader.

Right now I'm getting ready to jump on my bicycle and try to wear our dog out so he'll be ready to chill in the back of the car today while we look at rv's.

Looking this over I realize this is going to be a "messin' around" weekend.

What would Porter Rockwell do?