My sentiments are combination of everything that has been said thus far. My best friend has a 1006 and it's a tank. Accuracy was so so, but we just shot what we had on hand. I had a 4006 when they first came out and like DPD just said, "it was one the most inaccurate pistols I've ever owned." I didn't like how the grip on the SW 3rd gen's holds the main spring in place. The slide mounted decocker was annoying too. I'd take the new Sig 10mm, as much of a clunker it is, over the 1006 any day. Why Sig made it a single stack is beyond my feeble marketing comprehension. It weighs 39ozs. EMPTY. You can hate the plastic Glock all day, but for $600 it's hard to beat and you can buy multiple versions for the same price as many higher end 1911's - which is my preference for mid range 10mm. For hot 10's, I prefer the G40 with an aftermarket, semi drop in barrel.