Originally Posted by High_Noon
I have one .220 Howell round but no rifle so chambered. What to do, what to do?

Dear sir,

I understand that this is a difficult time for you, but I'd like you to know that we here at the 'Campfire are in your corner. With the proper attitude and planning, all things are possible.

Please ask yourself; is it fair to let that round be alone for the whole of its life and never live up to its purpose? We say 'Nay, Brother, it is not!'

We suggest putting an end to the absurdity of this negligence! Please find your way to the Classifieds section at your earliest convenience and place a 'wanted ad' for the said rifle.

I think we all know this has gone on far too long at it's past time to right this wrong.


Your Friends at the 'Fire

Mercy ceases to be a virtue when it enables further injustice. -Brent Weeks

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~