Originally Posted by efw
The problem we’re seeing is that self governance only works for those with self discipline.

To the extent that we can sacrifice what’s convenient or expedient for ourselves in favor of our neighbor we can self govern. Beyond that “the man” will have to step in.

This narrative that this is nothing more than a plot to collapse the economy seemed at first plausible but is becoming increasingly suspect to me as international stories come to light.

I’ll be cooperating with civil authorities to the greatest extent possible. It may be that my family is safe, but I have friends & neighbors who are in high risk classes and my compliance may save their lives.

At some point my freedom comes with responsibility even if I’m a bit dubious as to motives behind the chicken littles who say the sky is falling.

Well said. As our preacher said yesterday (via internet livestream, in-house services cancelled) we are torn between Romans 13 and Acts 5. For now I am in the Romans camp, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers."

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.