Rather than over reacting, I’d rather just let all my friends know where I stand concerning the pandemic as of today.
First, the meet will not be canceled. If only 1 person shows, then 1 person will win.
Second, I will comply with the commander and chiefs suggestion to be a team player concerning gatherings.
a) I suggest the club 60 gathering be canceled. Though club 60 is open and reservations are made as of 18 march, it may be wise not to gather. Keep in mind, the shoot is 3 weeks away, and the commander and chief said to refrain for 2 weeks. It may lift.
b) Our shooting group right now is within size recommendations of 10. It may increase. Keep in mind, we are an unincorporated town, therefore we are not under any mandatory orders or quarantine laws.
c) You can pot luck if you want. Im treating you all as my family at a dinner table. We bless the food for a reason and I believe in the power of prayer.
d) Wash your hands if you stopped anywhere enroute to vcpf, before arriving. Take all your trash with you. Remember, I handle all the trash and vcpf and clean up after you leave. Please don’t put me at risk thru trash.
e) I will not offer my hand to shake. If you don’t want me to shake your hand, tell me. As many know, we arent big huggers, So please don’t.
f) Please leave a clean bathroom for the next person.
g) Call me if you cant make it. If you choose to exercise social distancing, I will totally understand.

Otherwise, see you 3-4 Apr. call me. Internet service here at the cabin is hot and miss.

Retired Military Aviation
Former Member, Navy Shooting Team
Distinguished Pistol Shot
NRA Certified Instructor/RSO