Originally Posted by mtnsnake
The democrats do not want to help American people and America then call then in and removed them from office for breaking their of office oath. The democrat anti-American/socialist policies, rules, regulations, and taxes will destroy America forever if we do not vote the democrats out of power in the 2020 election. They should be removed from office and off all the ballots. They offer nothing for America or the people to make the country better. Anyone who participated in the coup should be in prison or face a firing squad.

Bravo! Except, prison only until conviction. Then the only option must be a firing squad or the gallows. I prefer the gallows. One does not leave treasonous criminals to be restored to positions of influence under some future administration. Every government employee and member of the media and academia should be investigated, and any of them who ever worked against the interests of this nation should be tried, and if convicted, executed. No exceptions. And there are some business people who should be on that list, as well. Enough of this wanting people like the Clintons locked up. They need a hemp necktie. That is justice. Clean out the nest of snakes this nation has become, so it has a chance of finding its way again. Its either that or watch it all go away in the next twenty years or less. Folks better be wrapping their heads around that.