Here's one I don't understand. There's a COSTCO on the other side of our city/county, pop. somewhat over 100K. Folks love COSTCO in normal times, good prices especially on bulk purchases.

Predictably, COSTCO is now a mob scene, and out of a lot of stuff like TP. It is gone as soon as it is stocked. We live on the other side of the county, about 12 miles from COSTCO, and we have been able to find just about everything we need at one of three supermarkets within 4 miles from here, including TP. Oh, they don't have everything in stock all the time, and not every store has what you need just when you want it, but if you're patient you can get it. Sometimes you can score at the small dollar type stores. Still, we have neighbors who keep running over to COSTCO to look for TP, etc.!

Gun stores are crazy but not totally insane. 9mm and 5.56 ammo are pretty much gone, but there are some guns and ammo and bricks of .22s at normal prices, at least in the smaller stores.

For some reason, folks head to the big places and overlook the smaller stores.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.