Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by shaman
I've been hearing all this hype about Andrew Cuomo lately. Folks are saying that Biden is deteriorating so much that he won't be viable by the convention. My opinion was he wasn't viable before 2008, but what do I know? Cuomo is being touted as the most likely guy to come in at the last minute and take the nomination and go on to beat Trump in November.

Here's what I do not understand: Cuomo's state is right now a cesspool of Covid-19. You can blame some of that on deBlasio, but an astute guy like Cuomo could have closed the bridges leading out of NYC. There's all sorts of things he could have done to minimize the spread of the virus in his state, but he didn't. Now he's the Democrat's top pick?

Here's one place where the numbers don't lie. When there are refugees flooding out of a guy's state and his neighbors are trying round them up and send them back, you don't go saying "This is the guy for me!"

Optics? I've tried to stay on top of all this. I'm over 60 and I've got a bunch of complications; if it hits me, I'll be one they put off to the side on a gurney in the hall. I watch this stuff intently. Optics? Cuomo screams that the Feds need to build him hospitals right frickin' now. Trump says he'll send a hospital ship to NYC. How come Andrew can't build his own frickin' hospitals? How long does building a hospital take (versus pulling a hospital ship into the harbor). To me, Cuomo has been a day late and a dollar short on all this from the get-go, and if memory serves me, he was poo-pooing the problem back over the winter.

Why is this the guy I should dump Trump for? How is he somehow better than Joe or Bernie or Fauxcahontas? Is it becaus he somehow looks Presidential? Is it because his feelings are in the right place? What? Tell me? What's this guy got that DJT doesn't?

. . . well, besides a brother that works at CNN.

Please, someone point me in the right direction.

He lost me just a few days ago, when instead of asking the Federal government for help, he demanded it under the premises NY was owed the help.

That right there is the downfall of NYS. The mentality that the government owes people things.

NRA Life Member

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