Dutch: That is interesting about the stopping then the ebb and flow of your spring.
For many years I used to back pack archery Hunt Elk in the Anaconda/Pintlar (old spelling!) Wilderness and my partner and I became dependent on a "spring" that flowed out of a granite wall.
The spring flowed at about a gallon a minute and was crystal clear once we gathered it.
We used it maybe 12 years or so.
Then the fall after a summer earthquake centered about 30 air miles east of "my" spring it did not flow that year!
Put a burden on us as we had quit bringing water purifying gear with us!
That was the last year I tried to use that "spring" - I wonder if it has resumed its flow.
That spring is about 5 miles from the trailhead and the Wolves have decimated the Elk in that area so I probably won't ever know if my spring has come back.
Nature amazes me, so often.
Hold into the wind