I live way out in the wilderness in the North Carolina mountains. Madison County NC, zero Corona cases so far. One of the safest places to be in these days.

I was driving up onto the top of the mountain today, with my girlfriend. There are 4 other houses on this mountain, a long ridge actually 550 feet above the French Broad River, the closest is 1/2 mile away. We were looking for out crazy Beagle, she has spring fever and has been running far off the past week.
And there in the neighbor's yard 1/2 mile away, I saw Lee Ann in the yard. Honestly I thought it was a ghost, hadn't seen her in 2 years they never come down here. She is a poetry professor at St. John's College in New York. Or New Jersey or some damn where. She and her husband Tony live in a brown stone in Manhattan.

We got out of the car, she was waving at me hysterically, as to say "KEEP AWAY." I got out I was about 15 feet away, she was backing away. I realized she was terrorized by the Corona. After all, New York is the epicenter of the problem.

She said she and Tony drove down on Friday. She said that today was the first day she had been outside. I realized, she was terrified of the Corona and for good reason.
We currently have no cases of the Corona here in Madison County.

We talked for a minute you could tell she wanted nothing to do with another person, even at 15 feet away on a sunny day.

Just 3 days ago the Florida governor shut down I 95 to all cars from New York. Lee Ann and Tony figured, North Carolina was likely to do the same thing any day, they had to Escape From New York while the getting was good.

Refugees from the Corona piling up in the North Carolina wilderness.

Shirley and I talked about it, we realized that we have a lot more to fear from New Yorkers than they have to fear from us. Normally Tony and Lee Ann have great parties, good booze and good food. If they threw a party tomorrow we would not be able to make it I'm afraid.