I don’t buy pretty guns. If I did, they would get marked up just like the ones I have now. So I buy stainless/synthetic stuff usually. Usually ends up wearing a coat of paint anyway. I like stuff that can go where I go, when I want to go there, and hit what I point it at when we get there. Pretty doesn't stay pretty in rain, snow, thickets, mud and the like. I like hunting those conditions, so pretty guns hold no appeal. Hunting a pretty gun like I hunt would seem wasteful to me.

Guess I am one of the crop some moan about that see guns as tools rather than items of beauty. I think a lot of folks used to be just like me. I love old Winchesters, and a lot of them lost any finish due to use. Says to me that they didn’t sit around in velvet cases to be admired. They were used. Like tools. For me? Stuff like that Browning HCS is interesting. Wish it had a blind mag, though. Less to go wrong.