My sons chinese teacher is from Taiwan and is a very good man and father of 4. He's not a fan of the communist chinese at all. Lots of good people in Taiwan and Hong Kong too. Sad to watch leftist Americans side against them.

My cousin a few years older than me was brilliant and top of his high school class. He was appointed to West Point right out of high school but dropped his appointment to go on an LDS mission. They told him he would have to completely re apply and would likely not get back in when he got home. He ended up going on a mission to Tiawan and came home fluent in chinese and got right back into West Point.

He still is not very straight forward about what he does for living. Always just says he works in business but doesn't really say what he does. Years ago he was living in Hawaii and I had lived there so I kept prying about who he worked for and what he did. He finally said it was a business that had a lot of government contracts. Last time I saw him I asked if he knew Ed Snowden and he just laughed and walked away refusing to say anything. He's always been super smart but never will talk about work.

My new neighbor just left the NSA as a russian linguist. He says russia and china already consider themselves at war with us in what they call asymmetrical war or something like that. Says they'll do anything they can to injure us anyway they can.
