Originally Posted by rost495
AND whats weird to me its often those in urban areas. The ones with the ability's to make way more than us in rural US on average. In fact most fast food folks in urban areas make very little less if not the same or more than the wife and I make doing jobs that should pay more but they don't in rural US. How is is that we prepare and they don't?

Its because they had no parenting IMHO. Education teaches NOTHING of real life. And no one wants to have responsibility any more. IMHO. Well shouldn't say no one, most don't.

When we were a faith based nation the ones really hit hard times were taken care of quite often by community and churches. Had nothing to do with .gov. reliance on the gov tit buys votes. Votes for communism in the end. Its a big vicious circle. One that can't be avoided and we are on the downhill slide in that respect and history says its going to happen.

The decline of Western Civilization. It's a pattern repeated throughout recorded history. It's a constant.
Like Tommy Lee said in No country for old men....you can't stop what's coming.