Aussie, rabbit and squirrel are different but I don't know how I'd describe the difference. They're both delicious. Only thing about squirrels is if you get an old one, and you'll know, they don't fry up tender like the young gray's do. Slow cooked with any of a hundred recipes is the way to cook the oldsters.

Pheasant are both fun and delicious.

I've never taken the opportunity to fish skinny water brookies...or any other kind of water for brookies. Well...I did catch a few in some high lakes in Wyoming but they were incidental. Smallies….where I live is pretty darn good smallie water!! I don't remember who said it other than it ws an outdoor writer a century or more ago who said, "inch for inch and pound for pound they're the fightinist' fish around". From my experience I have to agree with him. They have the attitude of a street bully.

NRA Benefactor 2008

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." John 14-6

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