Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Lennie: Well, IF, this report from the Israelite's is true then I would desperately hate to be the Doctor who operated on "Rocket Man" - especially if "Rocket-Man" recovers, somewhat.
The world would be much better off WITHOUT "Rocket-Man" but somehow I feel this is all a hoax?
I don't know why.
Maybe little "Rocket-Man" is just setting up this scenario and waiting to see who his friends are and who speaks ill of him?
Either way, in a coma or pulling tricks, I don't trust that turd (no offense gunswizard) any further than I could throw him.
Hold into the wind

From another news report...doctor is screwed.

Other unconfirmed reports, attributed to senior party sources in Beijing, said an operation to insert a stent went wrong because the surgeon’s hands were shaking so badly.

In training to be an obedient master to my two labs

Shooting, fishing and hunting