M3taco; you have hit the nail straight on the head (as it seems to me that you very often do). In the small amount of time I spent guiding, sight in was an assessment of the hunter often more so than the gun. Sight in was on "plane day" when the old group of hunters left and a new group came in. The outfitter I guided for would not assign guides to hunters until the following morning; the first day of the hunt. So I would watch the entire sight in process so no matter who I had to guide I knew how they shot and how they handled their rifle or bow.

I have lots of stories about the full spectrum great to awful about hunters and sight in.

A small personal highlight was on a hunt in Texas when at the end of the hunt our guide said to my one son and I "don't take this wrong but you two are so damned easy, you're safe, you can shoot and y'all have great senses of humour".

I hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe and work on your first or next african hunt.

Al the best.