Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
I see that you don't believe in leading by example, proto. When you do, I'm sure we'll all be right behind you.
We'll be laughing up our sleeves, but we'll be there.
Oh, and just for your info, I'm a few hundred Commies up on you.

He will need someone behind him.....to push the wheelchair!

Originally Posted by x1proto1
When I was in the service back in the 50's we saw several training films about how the Communist Brainwashing would be used to take over the Country.
One in particular was about Brainwashing the weak minded into using weapon for Mass Shootings.
I believe we are seeing it in the Mass Shootings of today, they have Brainwashed these people into doing them.

He claims he was in the service in the 1950's, so he's either pushing 90, a Soro's paid democrat operative trying to troll up some bad post to brad us as extremest, or some 20 year old Fed with his redneck hunting license.

He writes like English is his second language.

Maybe third.

A wise man is frequently humbled.