If the above options don't work for you take a look at these: https://talonretention.com/Store/tabid/4232/Default.aspx#!/Delta-Series-Holster/p/90549660/category=24608544

I use this holster for my G20 set up in cross draw configuration. I added another hole in the blank space between the existing holes(centered) and drilled one of the loops in the appropriate spot which allowed the belt loops to be arranged in a cross draw. I use a standard belt on my pants/shorts while hiking and the back pack waste band fits below/under/behind? the holster when I pull my pants up a bit. It carries the G20 well and is still attached when I take the back pack off. I also modified it by cutting down the sweat/shirt guard to help with proper grip during pistol draw.

I have several other holsters by Talon and they all work well. I did have to heat up a couple just a bit to loosen them since they were a little too tight on the pistol for my liking but an easy fix with a hair dryer and a few minutes time.
Worth a look.

Last edited by SBTCO; 04/28/20.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton