Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Wade, I thought those girls of yours had to be big enough now to start turning heads and getting Dad worried. grin
How old are they now? Great to see another old timer like you still bumming around here! grin
Wish we still had a lot of the others!

Hey! Yeah, we're getting old! The daughter on the horse is my oldest--she's also the bigger kid in my profile pic! She just finished her third year of college, majoring in Biology (with an emphasis in pre-veterinary medicine) and a minor in psychology. She has another 1.5 years left and then the plan is to attend vet school. She wants to be a large animal vet. So far her academic pursuits keep boys on the back burner.

It's amazing how fast it all goes by--it makes me feel old!

As for the old crew here on the 'fire, I miss those days quite a bit. It were a good bunch!


"Let's Roll!" - Todd Beamer 9/11/01.