Originally Posted by longarm
Were you guys in the ash fallout zone? We got it way the heck down here

I know that the ash fallout reached Manitoba -- big time!

The day was as hot as the hubs of Hades. I had a particularly miserable day because I'd forgotten my water bottle back in the truck and I was doing waterfowl inventories a LONG way from the truck.

That, combined with the fine ash covering everything mean that by the end of the day my eyes felt like they had been sandpapered.

I drank gallons of water when i got back to the truck, but I must have been extremely dehydrated because it took two more days to get over my headache, and my eyes took about the same time to feel normal.

(I suppose it took a day or so after Mount St. Helens blew for the ash to reach Manitoba.

I won't forget that day.
