Thanks for all the replies.. Got some ideas for new ammo.. My ammo works, just like to try stuff.. For the guys popping squirrels in the head I understand the need for super accuracy..

My gopher shooting doesn’t require that super accuracy.. I need a good accurate shell, but one that causes damage.. When popping gophers the ranchers want as many killed as possible.. So I take quartering shots that would ruin a tree squirrel for eating.. I don’t want cripples, even well hit ones can make it to a hole if major damage doesn’t occur... To get as many gophers as I can in a day I take all kinds of shots that I would pass if I were hunting game.. I want dead gophers not suffering one.. Thanks for all the replies, I learned a lot.. Doubt I ever get to hunt many tree squirrels again, but I have great ideas for ammo if I do.

Molon Labe