Cool pic Hesp. Thanks for sharing it.

About 10 years ago, we were is Yellowstone, tent camping at Pebble Creek, and a light-brown colored black bear (just about the same color and size as your pic) fed out into the meadow right next to the campground. Fairly quickly, about 10 campers gathered to watch the bear which was only about 75 yards away.

A group of young guys with Iowa license plates had just showed up in the campground and were really stoked to see a bear. A Park Ranger showed up right away to make sure people stayed back.

One of the Iowa guys exclaimed, "This is so cool to see a grizz as soon as we got here!" I looked a the Ranger to see if he was going to correct the young guy and tell him it was a black bear, but he just nodded to them and said, "Your lucky day."

To this day, I wondered if he purposely mislead them or if the Ranger actually thought it was a grizzly bear?