I don't know why preachers would pay money for sermons. SermonCentral.com is a site where preachers, myself included, post full manuscript sermons and anyone can read them or do whatever they want for free.

I am a bi-vocational preacher with a full-time pharmacist job, but I prepare my own sermons. It really saddens me to see full-time pastors subscribe to a service where they get a full preaching plan for the year and have little to do when preparing. I feel it is dishonest and lazy method. If I, as a bi-vo, can find time to prepare my own work, full time preachers ought to be ashamed if they don't.

For me, SermonCentral is a place where you can see how other preachers handled a passage and get some ideas and/or be spiritually fed by others since pastors don't really have a pastor.
Over the years, I've posted over 60 sermons on there and they get hundreds of views each week all over the world, including muslim countries.
I like the idea that those pastors in closed nations have access and can get ideas as they can't really openly get many resources within their country.

But me, even with my limited time, copy off a sermon and totally rip it off and present it as my own, not a chance. I may be just a jake-leg preacher, but the work I do comes from God and me.

One of my favorite quotes, though, comes from the Prince of Preachers, Adrian Rogers, when someone asked him about his sermon having the same outline they heard someone preach. He openly related that he does use outlines that other people make, but the sermon he preaches from that outline is his own. He put it this way.... "I might milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter."

Last edited by Savage_Hunter; 05/21/20.