Would be fine without severe weather but is fun to watch.

One late spring had cells building into a supercell right over us.There are good sized lakes east of us on the MN border. Set up like a bowling pin. Nothing to break the aloft temp gradient. Humid gulf air up through Minnesota stalling out the cold front just west of us. From the back yard you could see the supercell growing and building back towards us as it picked up moisture from the lakes and gulf air. Oh [bleep]! Sure enough, baseball size hail and a little bigger blowing off the top of the anvil. and idiot me out with a construction hard had diggin the hell out of it. Nothing you can do but enjoy the show.

Almost as cool as the first time I saw a cold air funnel, a mile or so south of the house. Had heard of them but never thought I'd see one.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.