Originally Posted by Tarkio
Originally Posted by deflave
Eagles are predators the same as wolves.

Lots of old timers shot the fugk out of them.

I think protecting any animal on the verge of extinction is prudent, but I can't fathom why anybody gives a fugk about some guy popping a couple in 2020.

Bald eagles are as much if not more scavenger than they are predator.

But it is harder to engender warm and fuzzy feelings over a scavenger vs. what is perceived to be a predator.

This may be true and is certainly interesting. In many respects, scavengers are more valuable than predators. To one guy who prided himself on shooting vultures, I asked if he preferred to have more rotting carcasses around.
Like most carnivores, eagles are opportunistic feeders. Wolves, coyotes, bears, wolverine, all like carrion just fine but will also take live prey. Only the cats seem not to be as attracted to carrion. GD