Originally Posted by rockinbbar
You don't notice a VP much when there's a sitting POTUS. Especially in an election year, beyond regular campaigning appearances.

It's the last year of an 8 year presidency that they start to get out more.

Pence is okay, but so far he's not really in the limelight. No need for him to be. Yet.

The Ofice of VP has been called the road to Anonymity, Oblivion, Nowhere...
Often just the gate to the pasture.

I don't think that is the case for Mike. He may not be a presumptive nominee, but he is capable, and conservative with a cool head. I think he would do a fine job of keeping the train on the tracks..
Remember after a period of much change, a period of stabilization is the best course. If only to prepare for the next push.


"If memory serves fails me..."
Quote: ( unnamed) "been prtty deep in the cooler todaay "

Television and radio are most effective when people question little and think even less.