Originally Posted by nighthawk
Originally Posted by ribka
Good one. Nighthawk is defiitely riding on the short bus todayLaffing

I started out tacitly challenging readers to make a rational, moral justification for shooting people for stealing stuff. I even proposed a justification para phrasing Summa Theologica (Aquinas). That being killing can only be justified in defense of another life. All I got back is, "Because it's my stuff."

I am disappointed though not surprised.

And it IS a riot gun. Try doing a little research, any shotgun, usually pump and usually 12 gauge, with an extended magazine and a short barrel intended for military or police duty. Sheesh, seems like you could have found something at least a little controversial to pick on.
You're a blowhard dipshiite who is trying to restate and re-frame what is happening. Even the slow kids should be able to recognize the difference between endangering/threatening lives and stealing a candy bar. Being the dishonest, bloviating, pseudo-intellectual that you are, you attempt to twist and contort in order to feel vindicated while holding your weak-azzed position.

This why arguing with libs is a waste of time. You can't argue with the intellectually dishonest.

Broncos are officially the worst team in the nation this year.