Originally Posted by smarquez
There is another short video clip showing another officer kneeling on his lower or middle back. He had 2 men kneeling on him so he couldn't draw a full breath. When I was working the cops would call us for any and every little complaint from an arrestee. There was no judgement from the cops. Sore finger to chest pain. We fully evaluated every chickenshit medical complaint thoroughly to clear both the cops and ourselves. WE told the arrestee that we were not giving him a get out of jail card that he would go the the hospital in cuffs.
That cop Chauvin was guilty of being too stupid to realize evidence was being gathered on him at the moment in the form of civilian phone videos.

In Sunnyvale California an EMT/PO hit me so hard I woke up in hospital be about 30 minutes later ! because : I didn't want to go to hospital !

there are some really poorly trained EMT and LOEs out there.