Originally Posted by IndyCA35
There is no such thing as a "peaceful protest" about this Floyd or Chauvin guy. Chauvin is in custody and will be tried. A protest in some state hundreds of miles away will have zero effect on rhe outcome in Minnesota. So why have one?

The only purpose of the "peaceful protests" is to set the stage and grease the skids for robbery, arson, and now murder.

Protests should be limited to (a) getting a permit, (b) a fixed location, (c) a fixed time, and (d) a fixed number of participants. Deviate and you go to jail.

If you don't like the laws in Minnesota, write a letter to the editor.

No thanks. I have the right to air my grievances with my govt anywhere, anytime, without a permit and with as many people as wants to join me, and so does anyone else regardless of political affiliation. No one has the right to vandalise, steal or assault though. Big difference.
They're committing criminal offenses, you don't need to make up stupid [bleep] to arrest them for.