People are so easily duped. Liberal media foment racism to cover the failings of liberally overgrown government and the crimes of its enforcers. Those rioters are on your side, you nitwits. They're duped into racism, too. They're generally of low IQ and can't think of anything better to do than burn something. Yeah, they're stupid, but they're fighting the same cops that would put any one of y'all down with a knee on the neck the same as them.

Complying won't help when the cops hates you and knows there will be no liability to him whatsoever. He knows he can do it and you'll pay taxes to cover it. There are plenty of "good" cops who won't, but they won't stop it, either. Cops are on their side and the side government, not you. That's how they're selected, trained and expelled if they fight it.

The real problem here is posters here are the types who are supposed to do things like end qualified immunity to save themselves from police and from having to pay taxes to cover the kind of mess that happens when a bunch of retards get fed up and bust loose. Those Republican politicians y'all vote for don't care anymore than the other team's does. Those cops kill more white than black because your Republicans want them to. Y'all probably want the blacks killed, but are you smart enough to realize every time a law is passed to subjugate blacks in catches non-elite whites, too?

At least the rebels have the excuse of actually being retarded. Y'all have done this to yourselves while having the processing power to figure it out rather than stick your head up your own.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s