Originally Posted by sportingspecialist
That video has different timing.

At the 17:58 mark he did parse O'Brian's words and intentionally misrepresented what he stated.

Then he started to pontificate from the safe haven of his studio.Being a pundit has its benefits because he never has to mobilize multiple forces and take action,he just has to talk.The President believes in Federalism and giving the Demonrat governors enough rope to hang themselves.

I have no doubt,that when needed,President Trump will use whatever force necessary to take control of this situation.

Carlson's attempt at creating a parallel between Nero and President Trump is complete bull-s-h-i-t.His bogus claim that this is the singular test of his presidency is more than hyperbole,that's bull-s-h-i-t as well.What the hell does Carlson believe Trump has been doing for three and half years other than taking the fight to the deep state on multiple fronts,renegotiating treaties,hammering China and Iran, while performing his duties as President.

"If the Commander-in-chief cannot stop this,the left will blame him".Carlson just illustrated that he is a complete idiot since the left has blamed the President for every single event since the beginning of time.Two can play at hyperbole.If Carlson believes the left will give the President credit when this situation is resolved then he just bought a ticket on the train to la-la land.

I don't trust Jared Kushner either but I believe Carlson can't possibly know all of the discussions Kushner had with Trump or what advice he does and does not take.

I couldn't listen beyond the 24 minute mark.

1, Tucker has access to information we as Joe Citizen will never have.

2. I did not take Tucker's mention of Nero as a comparison to Trump.

3. Tucker is not a complete idiot. Far from it.

4. The Left will never give Trump credit.. for anything.

5. IMHO, Jared Kushner and his wife, Trump's daughter, need to be purged from Trump's advisory staff.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member