Pretty good day.

But not for ol' #708. Crippled up old ornery bitch anyway. She's always been high headed but this was over the top.

She chased my dad around a bale feeder(for NO reason) until I ran over and distracted her and told the old man to get inside the (empty) feeder.

Told my dad that cow is fuucked and she was. Went and got a 30-30 out of the house. Went back down to the pen and she comes at me all arched neck and posturing. I was on the other side of the corral and popped her in the noggin at about 30' away. She drops like a ton of bricks and all the other cows are lookin' at me like WTF?!

Called a neighbor who has a milk cow and said we have a free bum calf for him and the grand kids.

Grabbed the dead bitch with a loader and finished branding.