Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by jfruser
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by jfruser
Voting is not going to get us out of this mess. We have seen huge majorities voted for some issue, but if the ruling class is opposed, it is not going to happen. Leaders of BOTH political parties hate us and want us dead and our children raped by degenerates.

Now that the small-hat brigade and their auxiliaries have pushed us down to 60% of the population, you think voting for a lucky BS-er is going to solve the problem? Put down the joint and get your head clear.

This is now a country where the ruling class burns/bans books, sends political prisoners to prison for centuries-long sentences, and the rule of law has been replaced by rule of man.

But keep on following that rule book...into the grave.

Back your claim. Who is burning/banning what books? What political prisoners? Sent to prison for how long?

If not voting...what?

Where have you been?

Amazon and major book stores now regularly ban books. Amazon itself sells 83% of the e-books sold, 50% of physical books. If you don;t think a corporation can't ban or do unconstitutional things, they sure can when they are a monopolist/near-monopolist and when they are acting in accord with ruling class policy.

Originally Posted by Amazon Is on a Digital Book Burning Spree
Under pressure from left-wing journalists and activists, Amazon is purging right-wing authors from its store, including a book co-authored by English Islam critic and independent commentator Tommy Robinson.

The web retail giant has become the dominant market player in book sales, accounting for nearly 50 percent of physical and 83 percent of e-book sales in the U.S. As such, Amazon has the power to effectively cut an author off from the vast majority of the books market...

In 2010, Amazon refused to take down a book defending pedophilia on first amendment grounds. “Amazon believes it is censorship not sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable,” an Amazon representative told CNBC at the time...

Public and media outcry was not enough to pressure Amazon into watering down its commitment to content-neutrality when it came to a pro-pedophile book. But it now takes only the slightest pressure for the tech giant to ban right-wing critiques of religion.

OTOH, still for sale at amazon:
(communist manifesto)

(includes the marqis de sade abusing his slaves by gouging out eyes, burning with hot pokers and eventually killing one by sodomizing her with a hot poker)

Figures like Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen were all entrapped in a conspiracy by federal agents seeking to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States. The saga has led to calls in conservative publications to break up the FBI and investigate the extent of their abuses against Americans whose political views they do not approve of.

Fortunately for Flynn, Cohen, and likely Stone, they are now being provided redress. The Department of Justice’s decision to drop the Flynn case is welcome. Michael Cohen and Manafort have been released from prison and will be spending the rest of their sentences under house arrest. Roger Stone, while still battling in court, will likely figure a way out.

But not all people being railroaded and tortured in solitary confinement by the FBI can count the president of the United States as a personal friend.

Below is a list of American political prisoners subjected to similar treatment, with background information and their most up to date addresses for writing them.

Keep on reading. Guys who are not rich and best buds with Trump get to sit in prison for the crime of supporting Trump or defending themselves against antifa.

Where have I been? Reading any book i want to read.

The figures you named are hardly "political prisoners" Their path for due process was a bit convoluted but they got their day in court.

You have no clue what a real "political prisoner" or "tortured" really means.

Start paying attention to what is going on around you instead of the steady diet of propaganda.

1. The process is the punishment.
2. People who are not rich can not defend themselves effectively in court. Such a defense will beggar even men with $200k/year jobs (see Gen Flynn). Even the rich can only slightly blunt the advantage the gov't hasin resources and raw power.
3. Political prisoners are people who are arrested, tried, or sentenced because of their beliefs. Plenty of evidence of that for those who can see.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers