Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Believe it or not that is happening here in the USSA .
You can't call the police about a break in or crime committed against you because you might get charged.
Anyhow, I followed the news about your country then.
I remember watching speeches from Nelson, wife Winnie and Desmond Tutu.

The ones about necklacing(know what I mean) have been deleted over the years.

Didn't Desmond say something about that, maybe encouraged that?
I know Winnie did publicaly against political rivals.
Do you remember if Nelson or the arch bishop promoted that at any point? I can't confirm that or not.

Just before the election in 94 there was a lot of crazy stuff being said in South Africa that was never mentioned in the western media. Winnie was a big necklaceing fan and threatened it against anyone who spoke out about the ANC. The ANC terrorized anyone who didn't support them and killed and burned out many from other parties, mostly blacks.

Nelson was pretty careful publicly and didn't say the crazy stuff Winnie and even Tutu said. Tutu was somewhat careful and usually just said the most violent stuff in native languages. I watched him on TV and had a native translate and he said that after they learn from the whites for a while they will just slip some poison in their tea and then take their house etc.

Lots of local people on the ground told me the ANC assured them the rainbow nation ideas were just crap talk to passify the whites while they learned how to run the country from them. They often spoke of a 25 year transition plan where they slowly drove out the whites and then after 25 years when they learned what the needed they would finish them off.

There's a big feeling in Africa that no white man should be allowed to own land in africa. Like apartheid on a global scale except they believe blacks should still be allowed to own land anywhere else so its an even more one sided version.
