Thanks Burleyboy,

Memory fades over time, but I thought Tutu encouraged murder of the non ANC, the ones that you mentioned. I used to have the URL a long time ago, but that speech was deleted. I remember that the context had nothing to do with self defense, and how.hypocritical for him to encourage murder.
It shouldn't surprise me though.

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:”.
I Thessalonians 2:15

I noticed that tutu was a major speaker for an interfaith leadership conference for Church leaders. I was disgusted and of course didn't go.

The current gt there banned a friend from preaching there and other African countries.
Here's a Documentary that YouTube banned, but this download slipped through. Let me know what you think of it if you get around to watching.

If you want to download it, I would do so soon. YouTube banned thousands of the pastor's sermons and most of his documentaries on the main channel for now.