Originally Posted by ned
Originally Posted by Ranger99
What's up with folks not wanting to inspect their
cases after cleaning and before loading?
I've been inspecting each case individually ever
since I started reloading decades ago.
I do find tumbling media in flash holes from time
to time and it takes less than a second to clear
it out and go to the next one.
I also occasionally find a case that won't pass
muster and needs to be scrapped.

I certainly inspect them. It just gets old knocking that debris out of the flash hole. The media I had been using was stuck in at least 25% of the cases and it was really stuck not just lying in there.

I agree with ranger99. OP, How do you remove the media from the flash hole? If you are literally "knocking the debris out", like you say, that could be part of the issue. Like ranger said, it only takes s second to clean that out and it should be inspected anyways. Seems like theres a lot of guys loading lazy. Why load your own, if you arent making a precision, reliable, accurate load? I load to save money, but i also load because its better than anything you can find in the store. I cant stress enough, how important proper brass prep is. Its something you dont want to cut corners on.

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.