Originally Posted by ribka


Ive spent almost 7 years living and working overseas. Its hilarious when Americans romanticize how much better life would be outside the US.

Originally Posted by FOsteology
How many people here have honestly "lived" outside the US - and I don't mean an extended vacation or a short-term work assignment?

You have 3 choices:

1) Another 1st world country - really, truly first world. And only a few. UK, France, Germany, Japan, Belgium, parts of Spain, Canada, and a few others.

The electricity runs 24/7, you have shops and restaurants open at night and with a good choice, you have safe areas - you have "things" that you take for granted.

But these countries taxation, socially liberal, and socialistic tendencies are worse than what you think you would be running from. And aside from Japan, you have the Muslim to contend with...

2) 2nd world country - South Africa, some Caribbean locations, perhaps Thailand, etc. The electricity goes off - often. In many places you have to drink bottled water. The stores sometimes have and sometimes don't have things you need/want. Simple things - bleach, detergents, washing machines ... don't exactly get you the results you are used to.

3) 3rd world - Caribbean nations, Latin America countries, etc. Argue all you want, but they are 3rd world scheit holes when you get off the Club Med compound. Electricity is a crap shoot. Have heart burn at 11pm? Have fun .... Get a pain in your right side .... pray it isn't appendicitis.

Of course, you can go to an "ex-pat" retiree compound and live the life of luxury. But it isn't.

Not after you settle in. Your "new" house has a problem with electricity burning out bulbs ... live with it. The "public" water pressure goes down during the heavy season ..... get used to bailing pool water with a bucket to replenish your toilet bowl so you can flush your turd down ....

Those nice people in the local town who you think are your friends?? Wait until one day a local throws themselves in front of your car outside a shop, and you slam on your brakes and barely bump them. Then the local police come ..... they don't have courts, police, lawyers, and the system you are used to .... you will reach into your pocket and pull out some green to pay them off, and you will have that on you because you will have witnessed another ex-pat get hauled off to the local jail and kept their 2 days until his wife brought the cash in!

People have no phfuking comprehension what it's like living outside the US, and the value of the freedoms, protections, rights, and services we have.

You go to another country to live, in essence you are there as an invited, tolerated guests that last as long as they wish, and to what extent their tolerance goes ... depending on who you may piss off, who is related to whom, and how much you are willing to bow your head in submission ....

Absolutely correct. I have lived in 11 countries (from multiple months to multiple years) and visited about 70. Over 20 years overseas total. Almost been killed in about 4 of them: 2 from being shot at (as a civilian), and 2 from disease/infections. Not to mention near misses in car accidents, etc.

We have it so good in the USA. The stories you hear about Americans kissing the ground once they land back here are true: I'm living proof.

Exceptionalism? Absolutely! The USA is UNIQUE in the world - the package deal here is light years ahead of whatever is in second place.

That said, if North America was about to vanish in a puff of smoke, and I had forewarning, I would pick Chile or Australia as a next stop.

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough