There was no riot at Kent State. Nobody was doing anything illegal.

Of the four killed, one was jeering at the NG from about 50 yards away, one was quietly watching what was going on, and two were walking to their classes, a couple of hundred yards away. They were avoiding the demonstration.

The night before, the ROTC building was burned to the ground. The perpetrators were later tried and convicted. None were Kent State students.

The families of the dead received a settlement from the State of Ohio.

Governor Jim Rhodes was kicked out of office at the next election.

For many years, Kent State University tried to ignore what had happened. Now they have built small memorials at each of the four spots where people died. You can go see them. You can go see where the NG stood. They also have a field where they've planted 58,300 daffodils. Looking at that you can see what a stupid blunder the whole Viet Nam War was. It's a helluva lot of daffodils.

Don't pontificate about things you know nothing about.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.