My 2 cents is that we should have an 8-10% correction.
I've been selling most of my tech stock positions for the last 3 weeks and have a short position in a s&p ETF.

Market is overvalued right now with Covis coming back, BLM still marching, statues coming down, name changes on anything from food products to airports, and and a man who can't even spell his own name, JOE, ahead in the polls.

If he wins and the vice president gets to run the country, who ever she is, will raise both corporate and individual taxes. State governments will also do the same.
More taxes means less corporate profits and less spending by individuals,which results in lower stock prices.

Take a look at Face Book, FB. This week companies said they will boycott it and it was $241 three days ago , now its $216 and going lower. I think its going to be a rough summer.