bloviating about the gloriousness of mass transit and the evils of the automotive industry and capitalism in general. Just went on and on about how uncivilized we are in the US that in the last 100 years the automotive industry has destroyed our country and set us back decades behind other more enlightened countries that embrace mass transit and limited use of personal transportation. He wants government to take up the banner and punish citizens for private transportation and mandate mass transit everywhere. Why is this what I think of when he talks?

[Linked Image from]

With people like this in power, we are going to continue to get thrown under the bus 100 different ways from Sunday, pun intended. We have got to clean house and rid ourselves of the scourge of these liberal ass-holes. They are destroying our country and robbing us of our last remnants of freedom. To make matters worse, their oration and talking points are spot on to the feel-good greenie crowd that can't reason past the end of their hash pipe. These slick talkers need to be taken out of positions of influence before it' too late for our country. They are truly a cancer.

What I see happening with people like this writing law is private automobile ownership will first be villianized in the press, how it contributes disproportionately to pollution, congestion, quality of life in cities is lower because of traffic, etc. and then a legislative blitz on "dis-incentivizing" personal vehicle ownership.

They're not even trying to hide it anymore. They hate Americans freedom and everything America stands for and they're coming at her from any and every angle they can dream up. The time is coming and is now here when we are going to be forced to fight for what we believe in. It's time to stand up to this attempt by the left to overthrow our country and villify peaceful and freedom loving Americans. .

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack