Originally Posted by flintlocke
I'm not sure that THEY know what they want. I do know their so called grievances make them easily manipulated by Marxist operatives. If they were able to identify their top three complaints, maybe the appeasement crowd (congress lavishing our tax dollars?) could mollify them. I doubt it, look at the sum total of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society...total abject failure, from preference hiring to lifetime welfare benefits, it did not elevate minorities into mainstream society, it relegated them to the very bottom of society, basically a "life sentence" of poverty and self loathing.
Apartheid or total segregation with self rule would give them some autonomy, but the pilot program models, Detroit, Jackson etc. are not indicative for success, plus, you and I would still be picking up the tab. I don't see a solution that hasn't been tried already.

To quote LBJ "The n*****rs will vote democrat for the next 200 years."

No one ever accused him of being stupid, either. He was successful in that. So far.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.