They want to be perpetual children. They want to believe in the fairy tale that life is meant to be a paradise with free stuff for everyone and no one ever has to suffer, except for the BAD PEOPLE, and they should be brutally slaughtered. It isn't these undeveloped adult children that are the problem. They are a symptom. The purveyors and funders of their ideology and their activities are the problem. These are found in the media, in government, in corporations and NGO's. They have been using this same means to implement whatever policies they find most expedient since long before they funded the writing and publishing and distribution of Marx's communist propaganda.

Our nation was founded by some of these men, who wanted exactly what they proclaimed, to be free of the tyranny of the aristocracy. Funny how this comes up today. America from its inception is a product of the same propagandization and political devices that we are seeing now. Ben Franklin hired Thomas Paine as a propagandist and brought him to the Colonies to write propaganda to convince British citizens to revolt against their sovereign.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.