You increased your imminent risk of getting the crud.

People can show covid cells for some time after the symptoms leave.
Are they contagious? Heck if I know.

Personally, I would have went, and been a bit careful.

No mask, no paranoia. Just maybe not directly face each other across the

Honestly, I believe you are either going to get it, or have had it. Or, possibly you
have the ability to fight it. But that leads back to have had it?

No, it appears you thought about it and made a decision.

Here is the rub.
Everyone is born, and dies.
Everything you do is risky.
Sitting on the couch in your underware is doing something, and will avoid most accidents.
But, it leads to disease. And early death.

You make your choices and take your risks.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!