Originally Posted by Slavek
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
A friend of mine here in rural WA was on his property building a chicken coop yesterday when he caught something in the corner of his eye. If was big enough that he thought it was a small bird flying by. Next thing he knows, a murder hornet is staring him down right in front of his face. He said it had to be about 3 inches long and was a foot in front of his head. Freaked out, he swatted it with his ball cap while he got off his knees. That just pissed it off and he ran towards the house, with the thing chasing him the whole way. He got inside and peeked out the window to find it outside the door for what seemed about 10 minutes until it finally went away. The chicken coop project is on hold until further notice lol.

Another BS story from the media. Just look up death statistics from Asian hornet stings per year in country like Japan, infinitesimal.

One is more than I care to have in this country.