Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Tarkio
Originally Posted by Morewood
Buddy of mine from California put in an offer on a home near Flathead Lake. He's a hard core conservative voting gun owner with a schit load of guns and ammo.

Just sayin' it can go the other way too. Try not to stab his tires just because of the California plates.

Drove up there to pick up my son this weekend after he was there for a week+ wrestling. Nice corner of the state. Fairly conservative still but the hordes are moving in.

I could retire up there outside the towns. The overcast would get a little old, but a lot of good there. As all the out-of-staters have already figured out.

Bought this place intending to die here. Change of plans, when I retire I'm moving to a different part of the state. I'm about as good as I could get, dead end drive, dead end road surrounded by NF and and 1/2 hour from town. It'll never get built up around my home, but dealing with the retards every fugking time you hit the highway gets old. And it's only going to get worse. And more spendy. Soon enough all that big city money won't buy so much around here, and the locals will be priced to extinction. The new residents could not give 2 fugks. If they did their own states wouldn't be what they are.

think about it this way....no one would be buying and moving in ....if there wasn't anything for sale....the "locals" are doing the selling....just like you are going to sell out.......hope you make a nice profit.......bob