Originally Posted by bbassi
The thing I found about fletch tape is the feathers can "lay over" even with the drop of glue on both ends. It's faster for sure, but they don't seem to last for me. YMMV. I've gone back to DUCO cement for wood arrows. Sometimes Bohning for carbons, sometimes DUCO. depends what's handy.

I wanted to try the tape and bought some. Clicked on it without reading close, and it is a China made roll of tape. Looks just like the Bohning tape. Anyway, the Chineese tape I got off Amazon is a joke. As you said, a few feathers have "laid over" even with drop of glue on the ends. If you push on the feather you can move it!. On the upside, it is easy to get the feathers off for a re-fletch!

I may try some Bohning tape, might not. But for now I've wasted about $30 worth of feathers due to the junky Chinese tape. I try NOT to buy Chinese. Messed up.